KA311 Rollo
+ Gracz: Piotr Rollo Rolnik
+ ID: TO091
+ Army Faction: Chaos Knights
+ Total Command Points: 2
+ Total Army Point: 2000
+ Total Reinforcement Points: 0
No Prisoners: 0
Bring it Down: 24
Assassination: 10
Abhor the witch: 3
== Super-Heavy Detachment: Chaos Knights- Ironclast Household: Frienzied Invader [1520] -4cp
LoW1: Knight Rampager (400), Favour of the Dark Gods: Blessing of the Dark Master (30), Warlord: knight diabolus (-1cp), arch- tyrant: infernal quest (-1cp) =[430/22PL]
LoW2: Wardog Stalker (145), Tyrannical Court: Warp-hunted Hull (-1CP), diabolus heavy stubber (0), Favour of Tzeench: Pyrothrone (25), smite+ coruscating hate, deamonbreth spera (0), warpspike claw (0)[170/9PL]
LoW3: Wardog Stalker (145), Tyrannical Court: Eager fot the Kill (-1CP), diabolus heavy stubber (0), Favour of Dark Gods: Warp-born Stalker (15), reaper chaintalon (0), deamonbreath spear (0) [160/9PL]
LoW4: Wardog Stalker (145), 3* diabolus heavy stubber (0), Favor of Khorne: Blood Shield (30), 3*reaper chaintalon (0), 3*deamonbreath spear (0) [465/26PL]
LoW5: Wardog Karnivore (140), 2* diabolus heavy stubber (0), Faveur of Slaanesh: Quicksilver Throne (15), 2*slaughterclaw (0), 2*deamonbreath spear (0) [295/17PL]
== Super-Heavy Auxilliary Detachment: Chaos Knights- Infernal Dreadblade: Dark Forging [480] 0CP
LoW6: Wardog Executioner (155), 3*diabolus heavy stubber (0), Favour of Tzeench: Mirror of Fates (15), 6* Wardog autocannon (0) [480/25PL]
Total: [2000points]