Maciej Crazyman Ptasiński
Player Maciej Crazyman Ptasiński KR192
Factions Used: Genestealer Cult
Army Points: 1999
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 18
Pre Game Stratagems: Gene Sires Gifts x 2
Starting Command Points: 4
Warlord & Trait: Primus (No trait)
Army Trait: Crossfire
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 141 wounds
Bring it Down: 6
Assasination: 19
Army Trait: (Industrial Affinity, War Convoy, Accustomed to toil, Cold eyed killers)
HQ1: Primus [4PL, 80pts] (Warlord)
HQ2: Acolyte Iconward (4PL, 75pts)
TR1: 5x Acolyte Hybrids, Acolyte Leader with Cult lash whip[3PL, 45pts]
TR2:5x Acolyte Hybrids, Acolyte Leader with Cult lash whip[3PL, 45pts]
TR3: 5x Acolyte Hybrids, 3x Hand flamer, Acolyte Leader with Cult lash whip[3PL, 54pts]
TR4: 5x Acolyte Hybrids, 4x Hand flamer, Acolyte Leader with Cult lash whip[3PL, 57pts]
TR5: 20 Neophyte Hybrids, 16x cult shotguns, 4x seismic cannons, - Proficient Planning: Lying in wait [9PL, 200pts]
TR6: 20 Neophyte Hybrids, 16x cult shotguns, 4x seismic cannons, - Proficient Planning: A perfect Ambush [9PL, 195pts]
EL1: Kelermorph: - Wyrmtooth Rounds [3PL, 80pts]
EL2: Nexos: - Cranial Inlay [3PL, 50pts]
EL3: Sanctus: Cult sniper rifle, - Proficient Planning: From every Angle [4PL, 80pts]
EL4: 9x Purestrain Genestealers, They came from below [8PL, 136pts]
EL5: Clavamus [3PL, 50pts]
FA1: 7x Atalan Jakals, 1x Atalan Leader, 1x Demolition charge, 2x Wolf quad, 2x AtalanIncinerator [9PL, 169pts]
FA2: 7x Atalan Jakals, 1x Atalan Leader, 1x Demolition charge, 2x Wolf quad, 2x AtalanIncinerator [9PL, 169pts]
FA3: 7x Atalan Jakals, 1x Atalan Leader, 1x Demolition charge, 2x Wolf quad, 2x AtalanIncinerator [9PL, 169pts]
HS1: Goliath Rockgrinder, Heavy Seismic Cannon, Cache of Demolition charges [6PL, 115pts]
HS2: Goliath Rockgrinder, Heavy Seismic Cannon, Cache of Demolition charges [6PL, 115pts]
HS3: Goliath Rockgrinder, Heavy Seismic Cannon, Cache of Demolition charges [6PL, 115pts]