Big Boss M.
Saurian Ancients
525 - Anurarch Archmage, Divination, Magical Heirloom, The Heart of Atua
110 - Skink Veteran, Poisoned Javelin, Master Strategist
445 - 22 Tegu Warriors, Champion (Enclave Wizard), Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company)
230 - 20 Skink Hunters
230 - 20 Skink Hunters
220 - 20 Skink Warriors, Champion (Enclave Wizard)
515 - 20 Tegu Guards, Halberd, Champion, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed)
306 - 3 Caiman Elders, Great Weapon, Combined Strength, Standard Bearer
306 - 3 Caiman Elders, Great Weapon, Combined Strength, Standard Bearer
240 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback
240 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback
175 - 9 Skink Guerrillas, Blowpipe
500 - Taurosaur, Monolith of Vitalism
455 - Taurosaur, Lodestone Shield