Maciej "Lop"
Army name: Pump my ride
Factions used: Chaos - Chaos Space Marines
Command Points: 6+3-1-1-1-1-3=2
Total cost: 1496 pts, 91 PL
Reinforcement Points: none pts
Number of Units: 6
Assassination: 7 points
Bring it Down: 4 points
No Prisoners: 7 points
Abhor the Witch: 5 points
== Creations of Bile Patrol Detachment == 0 CP, 1076 pts, 67 PL
HQ1: Abaddon the Despoiler: 3. Merciless Overseer, 5. Eternal Vendetta, 6. Paragon of Hatred, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord [300 pts, 15 PL, -1 CP]
HQ2: Master of Possession: 5.-6. Twisted Regeneration, Aspiring Lord, Chaos Undivided, Smite [105 pts, 6 PL, -1 CP]
TR1: Legionaries: Aspiring Champion (Bolt pistol, Boltgun), Marine w/ balefire tome (Balefire tome, Bolt pistol, Diabolic Strength), 4xMarine w/ boltgun, Mark of Slaanesh [143 pts, 13 PL]
EL1: Chaos Terminator Squad: 2xChaos Terminator (Combi-bolter, Power fist), Chaos Terminator (Accursed weapon, Combi-melta), Chaos Terminator (2xAccursed weapon), Chaos Terminator (Heavy flamer, Power fist), Mark of Slaanesh, Terminator Champion (Chainfist, Combi-melta) [248 pts, 19 PL]
EL2: Possessed: 9xPossessed, Possessed Champion (Black Rune of Damnation, Hideous mutations, Trophies of the Long War) [280 pts, 14 PL, -1 CP]
== Creations of Bile Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == -3 CP, 420 pts, 24 PL
LOW1: Chaos Spartan: Twin heavy bolter, Two quad lascannons [420 pts, 24 PL, -1 CP]