Roster Formatter for Warhammer 40 000
Here's your 40 001st way to format rosters.
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No, we never store any rosters (even before team tournaments 😁)
Army name: New Roster
Factions used: Imperium - Imperial Knights
Command Points: 6-1-1-1-1-1=1
Total cost: 2000 pts, 107 PL
Reinforcement Points: none pts
Number of Units: 5
Assassination: 7 points
Bring it Down: 15 points
No Prisoners: 0 points
Abhor the Witch: 0 points
== Oath: Lay Low The Tyrants (Oath: Defend the Realm) Super-Heavy Detachment == 0 CP, 2000 pts, 107 PL
LOW1: Armiger Helverins: 2xArmiger Helverin (Questor Cognis Heavy Stubber) [310 pts, 16 PL]
LOW2: Armiger Warglaives: 2xArmiger Warglaive (Questor Cognis Heavy Stubber) [290 pts, 16 PL]
LOW3: Knight Crusader: Exalted Court: Master of Vox, Heirloom: Endless Fury, Knight Baron, Questor Cognis Heavy Stubber, Stratagem: Relic, Thermal Cannon, Warlord Trait: Blessed by the Sacristans [505 pts, 27 PL, -2 CP]
LOW4: Knight Errant: Heirloom: Sanctuary, Heirlooms of the Household, Meltagun, Reaper Chainsword [430 pts, 23 PL, -1 CP]
LOW5: Knight Paladin: Character (Knight Lance), Exalted Court: Princeps, Heirloom: Mark of the Omnissiah, Heirlooms of the Household, Meltagun, Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon w/ Questor Cognis Heavy Stubber (Questor Cognis Heavy Stubber, Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon), Reaper Chainsword, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Ion Bulwark [465 pts, 25 PL, -2 CP]
Bugs reporting: here
Made by: Kell