Jens Gertsen
PLAYER 1: Jens Gertsen
Primary detacthment: Necrons
HQ1 : Necron Overlord(90), warscythe(10); mindshackle scarabs(15); sempiternal weave(15); phase shifter(45); in transport 1; warlord [175pts]
HQ1a: 2 Crypteks (50): 2× Harbinger of the Storm(0) [50]
HQ2 : Necron Overlord(90), warscythe(10); mindshackle scarabs(15); sempiternal weave(15); phase shifter(45); in transport 2; [175pts]
HQ2a: 2 Crypteks (50): 2× Harbinger of the Storm(0) [50]
Troop 1 : 5 necron warriors, transport 3, [65 pts]
Troop 2 : 5 necron warriors, transport 4, [65 pts]
Troop 3 : 5 Necron Immortals, transport 5, [85 pts]
Troop 4 : 5 Necron Immortals, transport 6, [85 pts]
Troop 5 : 5 Necron Immortals, transport 7, [85 pts]
HS1: Annihilation Barge, [90 pts]
HS2: Annihilation Barge, [90 pts]
HS3: Doom Scythe, [175 pts]
Transport1 : Catacomb Command Barge [80 pts]
Transport2 : Catacomb Command Barge [80 pts]
Transport3 : Night Scythe [100 pts]
Transport4 : Night Scythe [100 pts]
Transport5 : Night Scythe [100 pts]
Transport6 : Night Scythe [100 pts]
Transport7 : Night Scythe [100 pts]
TOTAL [1850 pts]