Milord KA089
* Army points: 1997
* Reinforcement Points: N/A
* Number of Units / Killpoints: 13
* Pre Game Stratagems: emergency dispensation (1CP), promising pupil (2x1CP), warlord trait (1CP)
* Starting Command Points: 0
* Warlord: Commander Shadowsun
* Army Trait: Philosophies of War
* Secondary Objectives Information
* Assassination: 13
* Bring it Down: 10
* No Prisoners: 65 (+4 from bombers)
* Abhor the Witch: 0
== T'au Sept Patrol Detachment = -2 CP, [82 PL, 1657 pts] ==
HQ1: Commander in Crisis Battlesuit(100), 2x Plasma rifle(10+15), 2x Missile pod(10+15), Novasurge plasma rifle(20), Promising Pupil: Exemplar of Mont'ka, Emergency dispensation: Puretide Engram Neurochip, 2 Marker drones(2x10) [190, 9PL]
HQ2: Longstrike(160), 2x Smart missile system(2x5), 2 Seeker missiles(2x5) [180, 9PL]
TROOP1: Kroot Carnivores [3 PL, 60 pts] 10xKroot
EL1: Crisis Battlesuits [510, 24 PL]
-- 3xCrisis Shas'ui(3x40): Cyclic Ion Blaster(10), Missile Pod(10), Plasma Rifle(10), Shield Generator(5) (3x75)
-- Crisis Shas'ui(40), Cyclic Ion Blaster(10), Missile Pod(10), Plasma Rifle(10, Early Warning Override (70)
-- Crisis Shas'vre(40) Cyclic Ion Blaster(10), Missile Pod(10), Plasma Rifle(10), Shield Generator(5), Iridium battlesuit(10), Stimm injectors(10) (95)
-- 8x Shield Drone(8x15=120)
FA1:4 Kroot Hounds(4x6) [24, 1PL]
FA2: 4 Kroot Hounds(4x6) [24, 1PL]
NFO1: 4 Kroot Hounds(4x6) [24, 1PL]
HS1: Hammerhead Gunship(145), 2xSmart missile system(2x5) [155, 8PL]
HS2: Hammerhead Gunship(145), 2xSmart missile system(2x5) [155, 8PL]
FL1: Sun Shark Bomber(165), 2x Missile Pod [165, 9PL]
FL2: Sun Shark Bomber(165), 2x Missile Pod [165, 9PL]
== T'au Sept Supreme Command Detachment = +2 CP, [8 PL, 150 pts] ==
HQ3: Commander Shadowsun, 2xHigh-energy Fusion Blaster, WARLORD(Trait: Exemplar of the Kauyon) [150, 8PL]
== T'au Sept Auxiliary Support Detachment = -2 CP, [9 PL, 195 pts] ==
HQ4: Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit(110), High-output burst cannon(15), Burst cannon(10), 2x Plasma rifle(10+15), DW-02 Advanced Burst cannon(15), Promising Pupil: Precision of the hunter, 2x Marker drones(2x10) [195, 9PL]