== Orks - [113PL, 2000pts]
== Clan Kultuur: Goffs
== Command Points: 1CP
== Secondary Objective Information:
Assassination: 13VP
Bring It Down: 9VP
No Prisoners: 8VP
— Battalion Detachment - Goffs - [98PL, 1700pts]
NoForceOrg1: Nob on Smasha Squig - Shiny Gubbinz: Headwoppa’s Killchoppa, Extra Gubbinz [-1CP], Brutal but Kunnin, Big Boss [-1CP] [4PL, 65pts]
HQ1: BeastBoss on Squigosaur - ‚Ard as Nails, Big Boss [-1CP], Shiny Gubbinz: Beasthide Mantle, Extra Gubbinz [-1CP] [9PL, 160pts]
HQ2: Boss Zagstruk [6PL, 110pts]
HQ3: Weirdboy - Warpath, Fists of Gork [4PL, 70pts]
Troops1: 10x Ork Boyz - Choppas & Sluggas, Nob with Big Choppa, Trukk Boyz [5PL, 85pts]
Troops2: 10x Beast Snagga Boyz [5PL, 100pts]
Troops3: 10x Gretchin [2PL, 40pts]
Troops4: 10x Gretchin [2PL, 40pts]
Elite1: 5x Kommandos - Power Klaw [4PL, 60pts]
Elite2: 5x Kommandos - Power Klaw [4PL, 60pts]
Elite3: 6x Meganobz - Power Klaws & Kustom Shootas [12PL, 180pts]
FastAttack1: 3x Squighog Boyz - Bomb Squig [4PL, 80pts]
FastAttack2: 3x Squighog Boyz - Bomb Squig [4PL, 80pts]
FastAttack3: 3x DeffKoptas [8PL, 150pts]
HeavySupport1: Bonebreaka [10PL, 160pts]
HeavySupport2: Kill Rig - Frazzle, Squiggly Curse [11PL, 190pts]
Transport1: Trukk [4PL, 70pts]
— Supreme Command Detachment - Goffs - [15PL, 300pts]
Supreme1: Ghazghkull Thraka - Proper Killy, Warlord Trait [-1CP], Warlord [15PL, 300pts]