Army Faction: Flesh-eater Courts
Illusion :le jour du festin
- Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
- Triumphs: Inspired
1 x Abhorrant Archregent (245)
- Artefacts: The Dermal Robe
- Spells: Miasmal Shroud
1 x Abhorrant Ghoul King (165)
- Spells: Spectral Host
1 x Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (445)*
- Artefacts: Amulet of Destiny
- Mount Traits: Razor-clawed
- Spells: Monstrous Vigour
1 x Crypt Haunter Courtier (110)*
- General
- Command Traits: Cruel Taskmaster
1 x Crypt Haunter Courtier (110)*
6 x Crypt Horrors (220)*
10 x Crypt Ghouls (85)
10 x Crypt Ghouls (85)
**Expert Conquerors
TOTAL POINTS: (1465/2000)
3 battle line
-Crypt haunter renforcé
-2 X crypt ghouls
2 bataillions
Warlord et expert conqueror
Tous les héros dans le warlord + les crypt haunter
Et les deux pack de ghoul en expert conqueror