Bartosz "BUZZ" Nowakowski
- Army Faction: Lumineth Realm-lords
- Subfaction: Alumnia
- Grand Strategy: Demonstration of Strength
- Triumph: Inspired
Scinari Loreseeker (170)
- General
- Command Traits: Burning Gaze
- Artefacts of Power: Waystone
- Spells: Lambent Light
Scinari Cathallar (110)
- Spells: Solar Flare
Vanari Auralan Sentinels (165)
- High Sentinel
- Spells: Total Eclipse
Vanari Auralan Wardens (145)*
- High Warden
- Spells: Speed of Hysh
Vanari Auralan Wardens (145)*
- High Warden
- Spells: Protection of Hysh
Vanari Auralan Sentinels (165)*
- High Sentinel
- Spells: Levitate
Vanari Auralan Sentinels (165)
- High Sentinel
- Spells: Speed of Hysh
Vanari Auralan Sentinels (165)
- High Sentinel
- Spells: Protection of Hysh
*Expert Conquerors
TOTAL POINTS: 1230/2000
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