Takie (nie)smieszne ogry 4500 Pts - Ogre Khans Army
Shaman: General; Wizard Master; Shamanism; Iron Fist; Ritual Bloodletter; Lygur's Tongue; Big Name - Gut Roarer, 610
Khan: Iron Fist; Heavy Armour; Battle Standard; Rampager's Chain; Big Name - Cult Leader; Heart-Ripper; Aether Icon; 390
Mammoth Hunter: Iron Fist; Hunting Spear (2+); Leader of the Pack; Wrestler’s Belt; Big Name - Headhunte; Potion of Swiftness; 395
Mammoth Hunter: Iron Fist; Hunting Spear (2+); Vanguard; Destiny's Call; Big Name - Rottenjaw; Dragon Staff; 405
8 Sabretooth Tigers, 253
1 Sabretooth Tigers, 85
1 Sabretooth Tigers, 85
9 Bruisers: Standard; Musician; Champion; Pennant of the Great Grass Sky, 701
5 Tribesmen: Paired Weapons; Light Armour; Standard; Musician, 256
1 Rock Aurochs : Ogre Crossbow (3+), 480 Pts
4 Tusker Cavalry: Paired Weapons; Standard; Musician; Champion; Banner of the Gyengget, 578
5 Scrapling Trappers, 80
1 Kin-Eater, 175
Models in Army: 37
Total Army Cost: 4493