Chris Stewart
Infernal Dwarves
575 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Nezibkesh, Infernal Bastion, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy
360 - Prophet, Prophet of Nezibkesh, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Shield, Flintlock Axe, Magical Heirloom
330 - Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Blaze of Protection, Great Weapon, Mask of Ages, Obsidian Rock
680 - 28 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Ziggurat Regulars, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
593 - 21 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Twice-Branded), Musician
200 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician
200 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician
451 - 4 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Shield, Musician
290 - Infernal Artillery, Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry
290 - Infernal Artillery, Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake