Alexander Jensen
9th age v1.1.0 Daemonic Legion
555 Courtesan of lust 455 lvl 2 (lust) Lash of lust 40
Veil of shadows 35
Skull of cacophrax 25
205 Harbringer of lust 95 bsb 25 supreme aspect 40 lvl 1 (shadow) 40 Barbed claws 5
Core 668
363 28 sirens (130 + 11*13) FC (30) warbanner (15) clawed caress (45)
150 15 sirens mus banner
150 15 sirens mus banner
Special 810
115 Chariot (100), barbed claws (10) clawed caress (5)
70 5 Furies of lust
70 5 Furies of lust
390 6 clawed fiends, (50) barbed claws (10) clawed caress (5)
165 3 clawed fiends, paired weapons (5)
Rare 260
260 Daemon engine (230) lust (10) paired weapons (20)
Total : 2493