Nathan Roberts
Player: Nathan Roberts
Team: Roll 6’s bro.
Faction used: Tyranids
Army Points: 2,000
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units: 15
Pre-Game Stratagems: Relic (-1CP), warlord trait (-1CP), 2x Hive Predator (-2CP), Rarefied enhancement (-1CP)
Starting Command Points: 1
Warlord & Trait: Winged Hive tyrant, direct guidance
Army Trait: Synaptic Imperatives
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 145 wounds
Bring it Down: 2
Assassination: 13
Abhor the Witch: 15
== Tyranids – Kraken – Battalion = 0CP, [100PL, 2,000pts] ==
Hive Fleet Adaptations: Questing tendrils & kraken adaptive.
HQ: Winged Hive tyrant [11PL, -2CP, 230pts] Adrenal glands, toxin sacs
- warlord (-1CP), Warlord Trait: Direct Guidance
- relic (-1CP), The Reaper of Obliterax
- Smite, Paroxysm, Psychic Scream, synaptic lure
HQ: Neurothrope [5PL, -1CP, 100pts]
- Hive Predator (-1CP), Warlord Trait: Synaptic Tendrils
- Smite, Onslaught, Catalyst, synaptic lure
HQ: Neurothrope [5PL, -1CP, 100pts]
- Rarefied enhancement (-1CP) - resonance barb
- Smite, Onslaught, Catalyst, paroxysm, synaptic lure
EL: 3 Zoanthropes [7PL, 150pts] Smite, Neuroparasite, synaptic lure
EL: 3 Zoanthropes [7PL, 150pts] Smite, Neuroparasite, synaptic lure
EL: Deathleaper [5PL, 120pts] - Hive Predator (-1CP): alien cunning
TR: 3 warriors [4PL, 95pts] 3x dual bone swords, 2 deathspitters, venom cannon
TR: 10 Gargoyles [4PL, 80pts]
TR: 10 Gargoyles [4PL, 80pts]
FA: 5 Raveners [8PL, 175pts] 5x2 rending claws, 5 deathspitters
FA: 5 Raveners [8PL, 175pts] 5x2 rending claws, 5 deathspitters
FA: 4 Raveners [8PL, 140pts] 4x2 rending claws, 4 deathspitters
HS: 3 Biovores [9PL, 135pts]
NFO: 3 Tyrant Guard [8PL, 120pts] 3x Bonecleaver & Lash whips, 3x Rending claws
NFO: 3 Zoanthropes [7PL, 150pts] Smite, psychic scream, synaptic lure