Claus Hurup
PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Iyanden – Combined Arms Detachment (Codex: Eldar Craftworlds)
SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Codex: Eldar Craftworlds – Craftworld Warhost
Primary detachment: Iyanden Combined Arms Detachment
HQ1: WARLORD: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) [115]
HQ2a: Spiritseer [70]
HQ2b: Spiritseer [70]
Troops1: Windriders (51)
Troops2: Windriders (51)
Elites1: Wraithguard (160), 4 additional Wraithguard (128) [288]
Fortification: Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25) [80]
Detachment Total: [725]
Secondary Detachment: Craftworld Warhost
[Windrider Host]
HQ3: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) [115]
HQ4: Warlock Conclave (35), Skyrunner (15) [50]
Troops3: Windriders (51), 3 Scatter lasers (30) [81]
Troops4: Windriders (51), 3 Scatter lasers (30) [81]
Troops5: Windriders (51), 3 Scatter lasers (30) [81]
Fast Attack1: Vyper Squadron [40]
[Heroes of the Craftworld]
HQ5: Eldrad Ulthran, High Farseer of Ulthwé [195]
[Living Legends]
HQ6: Baharroth, The Cry Of The Wind [170]
[Wraith Constructs]
LoW: Wraithknight (295), 1 Scatter laser (15) [310]
Detachment Total: [1123]
Army Total [1848]
Allies: Battle Brothers