jens hollensen
_Fanatic Gigantis_
_Beast Herds_
**Beast Lord**: Hunting Call; Heavy Armour; Shield; Beast Axe; Throwing Weapons; Talisman of Supreme Shielding; Bluffer's Helm; Divine Icon _285_
- **Razortusk Chariot** _95_
**Soothsayer**: Path of Shadows; Dark Rain; Pillager Icon _120_
**Soothsayer**: Path of Wilderness; Dispel Scroll _105_
**Minotaur Chieftain**: Paired Weapons; Battle Standard; Totem Bearer; Gem of Fortune; Mithril Mail _240_
**25 Wildhorns**: Champion (Blooded Horn Totem); Musician; Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd); Paired Weapons; Ambushers _225_
**Raiding Chariot** _75_
**Raiding Chariot** _75_
**11 Wildhorns**: Standard Bearer; Paired Weapons _76_
**12 Wildhorns**: Standard Bearer; Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Ambushers _104_
**20 Mongrels**: Musician; Standard Bearer; Ambush _110_
**6 Minotaurs**: Champion; Musician; Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed); Paired Weapons _324_
**5 Razortusks** _190_
**Jabberwock** _125_
**Jabberwock**: Breath Weapon (Strength 3, Armour Piercing (2)) _150_
**Gortach** _200_