Maciej Crazyman Ptasiński
+ PLAYER: Maciej Crazyman Ptasiński
+ ARMY FACTION: Astra Militarum
+ PRE GAME STRATEGEMS: 1x Relic, 1x Battlefield bequest, Officer Cadre
No Prisoners: 5
Bring it down: 19
Assasination: 16
++++++ Patrol Detachment (Born Solders) [0CP] ++++++
HQ1: Tank commander [165, 10PL]
--Relic: Gatekeeper [-1CP]
HQ2: Lord Solar Leontus [170, 9PL]
Troops1: Cadian Shock Troops [65, 3PL]
--2x Melta Gun
--Vox caster
--Sergeant with Drum-fed autogun
Troops2: Cadian Shock Troops [65, 3PL]
--2x Melta Gun
--Vox caster
--Sergeant with Drum-fed autogun
EL1: 10x Karsknins [100, 5PL]
-- 2x Melta Gun
-- 2x Hot shot volley gun
-- Vox caster
--hot-shot marksmanrifle
-- Sergeant with hot-shot laspistol
-- Guerrila
-- Battlefield bequest: The barbicant's key [-1CP]
EL2: 10x Karsknins [100, 5PL]
-- 2x Melta Gun
-- 2x Hot shot volley gun
-- Vox caster
--hot-shot marksmanrifle
-- Sergeant with hot-shot laspistol
-- Veteran Guirelllas
FA1: 1x Scout sentinel [40, 3PL]
--1x Plasma cannon
FA2: 2x Scout sentinel [40, 3PL]
--1x Plasma cannon
HS1: Rogal Dorn [295, 14PL]
--2x MM
--Armoured Tracks
--Pulverise Cannon
--Opressor Cannon + Co-axial Autocannon
HS2: 3x Leman Russ Battle tanks [485, 28PL]
Leman Russ:
--Excutioner Plasma cannon
Leman Russ:
--Excutioner Plasma cannon
Leman Russ:
--Vanquisher battle cannon
-- Tank Ace: Veteran Commander: Elite Sharpshooters
DT1: Chimera [90, 5PL]
-- Chimera Heavy flamer
--Heavy Flamer
--Armoured Tracks
++++++ Patrol Detachment (Born Solders) [-2CP] ++++++
HQ3: Tank commander - [170, 10PL]
--Executioner Plasma cannon
--Armoured Tracks
--Warlord trait: Master Tactician [-1CP]
HQ4: Cadian Command Squad [115, 8PL]
--Vox Master
--Regimental Standard
--Medi Pack
--Astropath: Nightshroud
Troops3: Cadian Shock Troops [65, 3PL]
--2x Melta Gun
--Vox caster
-- Sergeant with Drum-fed autogun
HS3: Hydra [110, 6PL]