Hubert KR311
+ PLAYER: Hubert Wawryk "Bixbix"
+ COMMAND POINT AFTER PRE GAME SPENDING: 6-1cp relic,-2cp Xenomofph Bionics
+ ARMY FACTION USED: Genestealer Cult
+ Models 107
Cult Creeds: Bladed Cog
+ HQ1 + Acolyte Iconward [75pts]
+ HQ2 + Patriarch [150pts]: Familiar, Leaders of the Cult, Power: Mass Hypnosis, Power: Power: Might From Beyond,
+ HQ3 + Primus [80pts]
+ Troops1+ Acolyte Hybrids [130pts]
. 9x Acolyte Hybrid: 6x Autopistol, 10x Blasting Charges, 6x Cult Claws and Knife, 10x Frag Grenades, Heavy Rock Drill, Acolyte Leader
+ Troops2+ Acolyte Hybrids [130pts]
. 9x Acolyte Hybrid: 6x Autopistol, 10x Blasting Charges, 6x Cult Claws and Knife, 10x Frag Grenades, Heavy Rock Drill, Acolyte Leader
+ Troops3+ Acolyte Hybrids [130pts]
. 9x Acolyte Hybrid: 6x Autopistol, 10x Blasting Charges, 6x Cult Claws and Knife, 10x Frag Grenades, Heavy Rock Cutter, Acolyte Leader
+ Troops4+ Neophyte Hybrids [ 180pts]
. 19x Neophyte Hybrid: 15x Autogun, 20x Autopistol, 20x Blasting Charges, 20x Frag Grenades,4x Seismic Cannon, Neophyte Leader
+ Troops5+ Neophyte Hybrids [ 65pts]
. 9x Neophyte Hybrid: 9x Autogun, 10x Autopistol, 10x Blasting Charges, 10x Frag Grenade, Neophyte Leader, Granade Luncher
+ Troops6+ Neophyte Hybrids [ 60pts]
. 9x Neophyte Hybrid: 10x Autogun, 10x Autopistol, 10x Blasting Charges, 10x Frag Grenade, Neophyte Leader,
+ Elites1+ Aberrants [ 315pts]: Enhanced Resilience, A Trap Sprung. 9x Aberrant: 9x Heavy Power Weapon Hypermorph: Heavy Power Weapon
+ Elites1+ Biophagus [ 55pts]: Alchemist Supreme, Autopistol, Chemical Vials, Injector Goad
+ Elites1+ Kelermorph [ 80pts]: Gene-Sire's Gifts, 3x Liberator Autostub,[-1cp Relic 1] Wyrmtooth Rounds
+ Elites1+ Purestrain Genestealers [150pts]: 10x Purestrain Genestealer, They Came From Below
+Fast Attack+ Atalan Jackals[219]
.6x Atalan Small Arm, 10x Atalan Power Weapon, 2x Granade luncher, 2x Demo charge, 1x Mining laser, 1x Atalan inicnerator
+ Dedicated Transport1 +Goliath Truck [ 90pts]: Heavy Stubber, Twin Autocannon
+ Dedicated Transport2 +Goliath Truck [ 90pts]: Heavy Stubber, Twin Autocannon
++ Total: [99 models , 3CP, 2,000pts] ++