Allegiance: Maggotkin of Nurgle
- Subfaction: Filthbringers
- Grand Strategy: Blessed Desecration
- Triumphs: Indomitable
Bloab Rotspawned (320)
- Lore of Malignance: Gift of Disease
- Lore of Malignance: Rancid Visitations
Orghotts Daemonspew (320)
Rot Coven Rotbringer Sorcerer (120)**
- General
- Command Trait: Master of Magic
- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
- Lore of Malignance: Magnificent Buboes
- Lore of Malignance: Gift of Disease
Rot Coven Rotbringer Sorcerer (120)**
- Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction
- Lore of Malignance: Cloying Quagmire
Rot Coven Rotbringer Sorcerer (120)**
- Universal Spell Lore: Levitate
- Lore of Malignance: Plague Squall
10 x Putrid Blightkings (500)*
- Reinforced x 1
10 x Plaguebearers (150)*
10 x Plaguebearers (150)*
3 x Nurglings (105)**
Endless Spells & Invocations
Aethervoid Pendulum (40)
Shards of Valagharr (50)
1 x Feculent Gnarlmaw
Core Battalions
*Expert Conquerors
Additional Enhancements
Total: 1995 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 137
Drops: 9