Rune Beasts of Chaos Sylvaneth Overloards
Allegiance: Lumineth Really-lords
- Great Nation: Ymetrica
- Grand Strategy: Alarith Afterschock
- Triumphs: Indomitable
Alarith Stonemage (120)*
- General
- Command Trait: Unyielding Toughness
- Artefact: Molten Talisman
- Universal Spell Lore: Levitate
Archmage Bitchlis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh (700)
Ko, the Stoneheart King (420)*
15 x Alarith Stoneguard (360)*
- Reinforced x 2
10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (150)*
- Speed of Hysh
5 x Vanari Dawnriders (140)*
- Overwhelming Hotness
Endless Spells:
Rune of Slap af (40)
Gnashing fashion Jaws (60)
Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
Shrine ja tak
Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 87
Drops: 2