Christoffer Karlsmose Andersen
Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords
- Lineage: Legion of Night
- Grand Strategy: Vampiric Conquerors
- Triumphs: Indomitable
Mannfred von Carstein, Mortarch of Night (380)*
- Lore of the Deathmages: Fading Vigour
Necromancer (125)**
- Lore of the Deathmages: Fading Vigour
Vampire Lord (140)**
- General
- Command Trait: Unbending Will
- Artefact: Shard of Night
- Universal Spell Lore: Levitate
Gorslav the Gravekeeper (75)**
60 x Deadwalker Zombies (360)*
- Reinforced x 2
60 x Deadwalker Zombies (360)*
- Reinforced x 2
20 x Deadwalker Zombies (120)*
10 x Deathrattle Skeletons (80)**
20 x Grave Guard (280)*
- Great Wight Blades
- Reinforced x 1
Endless Spells & Invocations
Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws (60)
Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
Additional Enhancements
Total: 1980 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 5 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 199
Drops: 5