Adam Binar
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Leagues of Votann) [92 PL, 3CP, 2,000pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Detachment Command Cost
Game Type: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim
League: Ymyr Conglomerate
+ HQ +
Brôkhyr Forge-master [5 PL, -1CP, 115pts]: Brôkhyr Forge-master, Graviton hammer, Graviton rifle, Master Armourer, Stratagem: Legend of the League
. E-COG: Autoch-pattern bolt pistol
. E-COG: Manipulator arms
. E-COG: Plasma torch
. Ironkin Assistant: Las-beam cutter
Grimnyr [4 PL, 90pts]: Ancestral ward stave, Fortify, Interface Echo, Smite
. 2x CORV: 2x Autoch-pattern bolter
High Kâhl [6 PL, -1CP, 120pts]: Experienced Eye, Forgewrought plasma axe, High Kâhl, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Teleport crest, Volkanite disintegrator, Warlord
+ Troops +
Hearthkyn Warriors w/ bolters [7 PL, 120pts]
. Theyn: Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, Autoch-pattern bolter, Gravitic concussion grenades
. 9x Warrior: 9x Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, 9x Autoch-pattern bolter, 9x Gravitic concussion grenades
Hearthkyn Warriors w/ bolters [7 PL, 120pts]
. Theyn: Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, Autoch-pattern bolter, Gravitic concussion grenades
. 9x Warrior: 9x Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, 9x Autoch-pattern bolter, 9x Gravitic concussion grenades
Hearthkyn Warriors w/ bolters [7 PL, 120pts]
. Theyn: Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, Autoch-pattern bolter, Gravitic concussion grenades
. 9x Warrior: 9x Autoch-pattern bolt pistol, 9x Autoch-pattern bolter, 9x Gravitic concussion grenades
+ Elites +
Cthonian Berserks w/ concussion mauls [5 PL, 150pts]
. 5x Berserk: 5x Concussion maul
Hearthguard w/ disintegrators and plasma blade gauntlets [18 PL, -1CP, 360pts]
. 7x Hearthguard: 7x Exo-armour grenade launcher, 7x Plasma blade gauntlet, 7x Volkanite disintegrator
. Hesyr: Exo-armour grenade launcher, Plasma blade gauntlet, Stratagem: Bequest of the Votann, Teleport crest, Volkanite disintegrator, Wârpestryk
+ Fast Attack +
Hernkyn Pioneers [5 PL, 125pts]
. Pioneer w/ HYLas rotary cannon: Bolt revolver, Bolt shotgun, Gravitic concussion grenades, HYLas rotary cannon, Magna-coil autocannon
. Pioneer w/ scanner: Bolt revolver, Bolt shotgun, Gravitic concussion grenades, Magna-coil autocannon, Pan spectral scanner
. Pioneer w/ searchlight: Bolt revolver, Bolt shotgun, Gravitic concussion grenades, Magna-coil autocannon, Rollbar searchlight
Hernkyn Pioneers [5 PL, 125pts]
. Pioneer w/ HYLas rotary cannon: Bolt revolver, Bolt shotgun, Gravitic concussion grenades, HYLas rotary cannon, Magna-coil autocannon
. Pioneer w/ scanner: Bolt revolver, Bolt shotgun, Gravitic concussion grenades, Magna-coil autocannon, Pan spectral scanner
. Pioneer w/ searchlight: Bolt revolver, Bolt shotgun, Gravitic concussion grenades, Magna-coil autocannon, Rollbar searchlight
+ Heavy Support +
Brôkhyr Thunderkyn w/ graviton blast cannons [5 PL, 120pts]
. 3x Brôkhyr Thunderkyn: 3x Graviton blast cannon
Brôkhyr Thunderkyn w/ SP conversion beamers [5 PL, 135pts]
. 3x Brôkhyr Thunderkyn: 3x SP conversion beamer
Hekaton Land Fortress [13 PL, 300pts]: Heavy magna-rail cannon, MATR autocannon, Pan spectral scanner
. 2x Two bolt cannons: 4x Bolt cannon
++ Total: [92 PL, 3CP, 2,000pts] ++
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