Battalion Detachment 0CP (Tyranids) 96 PL, 2CP, 2,000pts
Hive Fleet: Adaptive, Kraken
+ HQ +
Neurothrope [5 PL, 100pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: Onslaught, Power: Smite, Power: Synaptic Lure
Neurothrope [5 PL, 100pts]: Power: Neuroparasite, Power: Paroxysm, Power: Smite, Power: Synaptic Lure
Winged Hive Tyrant [11 PL, -1CP, 225pts]: Adrenal Glands, Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword, Power: Paroxysm, Power: Psychic Scream, Power: Smite, Power: Synaptic Lure, Relic: The Reaper of Obilterax, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Direct Guidance
+ Troops +
Gargoyles [4 PL, 80pts]
. 10x Gargoyle: 10x Fleshborer
Gargoyles [4 PL, 80pts]
. 10x Gargoyle: 10x Fleshborer
Tyranid Warriors [8 PL, 165pts]: Adrenal Glands
5x Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords
+ Elites +
Maleceptor [10 PL, 235pts]: Adaptive Physiology: Hardened Biology, Power: Catalyst, Power: Psychic Scream, Power: Smite, Power: Synaptic Lure
Tyrant Guard [8 PL, 135pts]: Adrenal Glands
. 3x Tyrant Guard (Scything): 3x Two Rending Claws, 3x Two Scything Talons
Zoanthropes [7 PL, 150pts]: Power: Neuroparasite, Power: Smite, 3x Zoanthrope
Zoanthropes [7 PL, 150pts]: Power: Neuroparasite, Power: Smite, 3x Zoanthrope
Zoanthropes [7 PL, 150pts]: Power: Neuroparasite, Power: Smite, 3x Zoanthrope
+ Fast Attack +
Parasite of Mortrex [4 PL, 80pts]: Relic: Gestation Sac, Warlord Trait: Alien Cunning
Raveners [8 PL, 175pts]
5x Ravener: Deathspitter, Two Rending Claws
Raveners [8 PL, 175pts]
5x Ravener: Deathspitter, Two Rending Claws
Summe: 96 PL, 2CP, 2,000pts