Gašper Dular
Player Name: Gašper Dular
Factions Used: Tyranids
Army Points: 2000
Army Enhancements (list on which model): none
Detachment Rule: Hyper adaptations
== Invasion Fleet Army Roster 1995 pts ==
EH1: Deathleaper [70 pts]
CH1: Hive Tyrant: Heavy Venom Cannon, Monstrous Bonesword and Lash Whip, Warlord [235 pts]
BL1: Gargoyles: 10xGargoyles [75 pts]
BL2: Hormagaunts: 10xHormagaunts [65 pts]
BL3: Hormagaunts: 10xHormagaunts [65 pts]
IN1: Biovores: Biovore [75 pts]
IN2: Biovores: Biovore [75 pts]
IN3: Genestealers: 5xGenestealer [85 pts]
IN4: Lictor [60 pts]
IN5: Pyrovores: Pyrovore [30 pts]
IN6: Tyranid Warriors with Ranged Bio-Weapons: Warrior w/ barbed strangler, Warrior w/ spinefists, Warrior w/ venom cannon [70 pts]
IN7: Zoanthropes: Neurothrope, 2xZoanthrope [110 pts]
IN8: Zoanthropes: Neurothrope, 5xZoanthrope [220 pts]
SW1: Ripper Swarms: Ripper Swarm (Spinemaw) [20 pts]
SW2: Ripper Swarms: Ripper Swarm (Spinemaw) [20 pts]
MS1: Exocrine [135 pts]
MS2: Maleceptor [170 pts]
MS3: Maleceptor [170 pts]
MS4: Tyrannofex: Rupture Cannon [245 pts]