Tadek "Dziczek"
++ Unbound Army (Faction) (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [97 PL, 1,995pts] ++6
+ Configuration +
Craftworld Selection: Ulthwe: Foresight of the Damned
Detachment Command Cost
Game Type: Open
+ HQ +
Avatar of Khaine [14 PL, 280pts]
Eldrad Ulthran [8 PL, 145pts]: 1. Guide, 2. Doom, 4. Executioner, Ulthwe: Fate Reader, Warlord
Farseer Skyrunner [6 PL, 125pts]: 3. Fortune, 5. Will of Asuryan, Witchblade
+ Troops +
Rangers [4 PL, 65pts]
. 5x Ranger: 5x Ranger Long Rifle, 5x Shuriken Pistol
Rangers [4 PL, 65pts]
. 5x Ranger: 5x Ranger Long Rifle, 5x Shuriken Pistol
+ Elites +
Dire Avengers [4 PL, 80pts]
. 4x Dire Avenger: 4x Avenger Shuriken Catapult, 4x Plasma Grenades
. Dire Avenger Exarch: Stand Firm, Two Avenger Shuriken Catapults
Howling Banshees [5 PL, 110pts]
. 4x Howling Banshee: 4x Banshee Blade, 4x Shuriken Pistol
. Howling Banshee Exarch: Mirrorswords, Piercing Strikes
Striking Scorpions [5 PL, 110pts]
. 4x Striking Scorpion: 4x Mandiblasters, 4x Scorpion Chainsword, 4x Shuriken Pistol
. Striking Scorpion Exarch: Biting Blade, Crushing Blows
Wraithguard [10 PL, 200pts]: Wraithcannon, 5x Wraithguard
Wraithlord [8 PL, 165pts]: 2 x Aeldari Flamer, 2x Bright Lance, Ghostglaive
+ Fast Attack +
Shining Spears [6 PL, 140pts]
. 2x Shining Spear: 2x Laser Lance, 2x Twin Shuriken Catapult
. Shining Spear Exarch: Expert Lancers, Shimmershield, Shuriken Cannon, Star Lance
+ Lord of War +
Wraithknight [23 PL, 510pts]: Heavy Wraithcannon, 2x Starcannon, Suncannon
++ Total: [97 PL, 1,995pts] ++