Patrik Plšek
Player: Patrik Plšek
Team: Tolaris
Factions used: Necrons
Army Points: 2000
Number of Units: 14
Starting Command Points: 3
Warlord & Trait: Owerlord
Secondary Objectives Information
Assassination: 15 points
Bring it Down: 2 points
No Prisoners: 14 points
Abhor the Witch: 0 points
Dynasty: Nihilakh Arks of Omen == 0 CP, 2000 pts, 121 PL
- Heroic Support (-1 CP)
HQ1: Chronomancer: Entropic Lance [85 pts, 5 PL]
HQ2: Overlord: Dynastic Heirlooms, Relic: Veil of Darkness, Resurrection Orb, Warlord, Warscythe [115 pts, 6 PL, -1 CP]
HQ3: Technomancer: Canoptek Cloak, Dynastic Heirlooms, Relic: Voltaic Staff [70 pts, 5 PL, -1 CP]
TR1: Necron Warriors: 20xNecron Warrior (Gauss Reaper) [220 pts, 12 PL]
EL1: C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer: Power of the C'tan: Cosmic Fire, Power of the C'tan: Gaze of Death [320 pts, 19 PL]
EL2: Flayed Ones: 5xFlayed One [50 pts, 2 PL]
EL3: Lychguard: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield (Dispersion Shield, Hyperphase Sword), 10xLychguard [250 pts, 14 PL]
EL4: Transcendent C'tan: Fractured Personality: Untamed Power, Power of the C'tan: Cosmic Fire, Power of the C'tan: Time's Arrow [230 pts, 14 PL]
FA1: Canoptek Scarab Swarms: 6xCanoptek Scarab Swarm [90 pts, 4 PL]
FA2: Canoptek Wraiths: 4xCanoptek Wraith (Claws) [140 pts, 12 PL]
FA3: Canoptek Wraiths: 5xCanoptek Wraith (Claws) [175 pts, 12 PL]
FA4: Tomb Blades: Tomb Blade (Particle Beamer, Shadowloom, Shieldvanes), 5xTomb Blade (Particle Beamer, Shadowloom) [129 pts, 8 PL]
FA5: Tomb Blades: 3xTomb Blade (Particle Beamer, Shadowloom) [63 pts, 4 PL]
FA6: Tomb Blades: 3xTomb Blade (Particle Beamer, Shadowloom) [63 pts, 4 PL]