Gareth "glorak" chambers
Player: Gareth "Glorak" Chambers
Team: to beer or not to beer?
Faction: Grey Knights
Army Points: 2000 PL114
Reinforcement points: 0
Number of units: 12
Pre game strategems: Relic 1cp, Warlord Trait 1cp, Exemplar of the Silver Host 1cp, Shield of Humanity 1cp, armory of Titan 1cp
Starting Command Points: 1cp
Warlord and trait: librarian, psychic Epitome
Army trait: blades of victory
Secondary Info
No Prisoners: 10
Bring it down: 6
Assassinate: 10
Abhor the witch: 27
Arks of omen detatchment (primary heavy support), grey knights, blades of victory
HQ1 Kaldor Draigo, gate of Infinity, empyric Amplification, sanctuary, PL9 165pts
HQ2 librarian, Warlord, Exemplar of the Silver Host: unyielding anvil, warlord trait: psychic Epitome, relic: cuirass of Sacrifice, Storm bolter, Nemesis Warding Stave, Purifying Flame, Vortex of Doom, foretelling fo locus, PL8 120pts
HQ3 librarian, Shield of humanity: vanguard aggression, armoury of titan: Sigil of exigence, Storm bolter, Nemesis Warding Stave, Purifying Flame, Vortex of Doom, a noble death, PL 7 110pts
FA1 interceptor squad, 9 interceptors, Interceptor justicar, 10Nemesis Force falcions, PL 16 240pts
FA2 interceptor squad, 9 interceptors, Interceptor justicar, 10Nemesis Force falcions, PL 16 240pts
FA3 Interceptor Squad, 9 interceptors, Interceptor justicar, 10Nemesis Force falcions, PL 16 240pts
HS1 Nemesis dreadknight, dreadknight teleporter, Heavy psycannon, Gatling psilencer, Nemesis greatsword, dreadfist, PL8 185pts
HS2 Nemesis dreadknight, dreadknight teleporter, Heavy psycannon, Gatling psilencer, Nemesis greatsword, dreadfist, PL8 185pts
HS3 Nemesis dreadknight, dreadknight teleporter, Heavy psycannon, Gatling psilencer, Nemesis greatsword, dreadfist, PL8 185pts
HS4 purgation squad, 4 purgators, putgator justicar, Nemesis Force stave, 4 psycannons, PL6 110pts
HS5 purgation squad, 4 purgators, putgator justicar, Nemesis Force stave, 4 psycannons, PL6 110pts
HS6 purgation squad, 4 purgators, putgator justicar, Nemesis Force stave, 4 psycannons, PL6 110pts
End of roster