Adam Ryland
++ Player : Adam Ryland
++ Team: Matt's had a Lady boys of Stockport
++ Factions Used: Chaos deamons
++ Army Points: 1990 pts
++ Number of Units / Kill Points: 10
++ Pre Game Stratagems: Warlord Trait (-1CP) 1x Relics of khorne (-1cp)
++ Starting Command Points: 4
++ Warlord & Trait: Blood thirster, Brazen hide
++ Army Trait: warp storm
++ Secondary Objectives Information
++ No Prisoners: 66
++ Bring It Down: 16
++ Assassination: 13
++ Abhor The Witch: 6
==Chaos Daemons Arks of Omen detachment - [PL104, 1990pts]
HQ - Blood thirster (310) great axe, hellfire breath, EXALTED ABILITY - indomitable onslaught (50)
(KHORNE RELIC -1cp)A'rgath the king of blades,
WARLORD TRAIT -1cp - Brazen hide
HQ - Skarbrand (330) [PL17,330pts]
HQ - Belakor [PL21,420pts] psychic powers: shrouded step( wc6,) fall of despair (wc7)
HQ - Karios Fateweaver [PL16, 320pts]
Psychic powers : All of them
TROOP - 1 Allurese,9 Daemomettes,1 icon, 1 x instrument [PL6, 120pts]
ELITE - 5 Flamers [PL6,125pts]
ELITE - 4 Flamers [PL6,100pts]
ELITE - 3 Flamers [PL3,75pts]
FA - 1 Gore hound,4 Flesh hounds [PL5,75pts]
FA - 1 Gore hound,4 Flesh hounds [PL5,75pts]