
William James Reed

Player 1: William Reed

Team: Team Stonehammer

Factions Used: Chaos Knights

Army Points: 2000

Reinforcement Points: 0

Number of Units / Killpoints: 13

Pre Game Stratagems: Warlord Trait, Relic

Starting Command Points: 4

Warlord & Trait: War Dog Karnivore - Warp Haunted Hull

Army Trait: Traitoris Ambitions, Harbingers of Dread,

Secondary Objectives Information

No Prisoners: 0

Bring it Down: 26

Assassination: 4

Abhor the Witch: 0


== Chaos Knights – House Herpetrax – Arks Of Omen Detachment = 0CP, [91PL, 1675pts] ==

Chapter Tactic/Order Conviction/Hive Fleet Adaptations: Iconoclast, Conquerors Without Mercy, Dauntless

LOW: War Karnivore Squadron [10PL, 175pts]

War Dog Karnivore,Havoc multi launcher, Corrupted Heirloom: Helm of Dogs (-1CP), Favour of the Dark Gods: Blood Shield: (WARLORD) Warlord Trait: Warp Haunted Hull (-1CP)

LOW: War Dog Stalker Squadron [16PL, 300pts]

War Dog Stalker, Havoc multi launcher, Aenger Chaincannon, Slaughterclaw,

War Dog Stalker, Havoc multi launcher, Aenger Chaincannon, Slaughterclaw

LOW: War Dog Stalker Squadron [16PL, 300pts]

War Dog Stalker, Havoc multi launcher, Aenger Chaincannon, Slaughterclaw,

War Dog Stalker, Havoc multi launcher, Aenger Chaincannon, Slaughterclaw

LOW: War Dog Stalker Squadron [16PL, 300pts]

War Dog Stalker, Havoc multi launcher, Daemonbreath Spear, Reaper Chaintalon

War Dog Stalker, Havoc multi launcher, Daemonbreath Spear, Reaper Chaintalon

LOW: War Dog Huntsman Squadron [16PL, 290pts]

War Dog Stalker, Heavy Stubber, Daemonbreath Spear, Reaper Chaintalon

War Dog Stalker, Heavy Stubber, Daemonbreath Spear, Reaper Chaintalon

LOW: War Dog Executioner Squadron [16PL, 310pts] (Dreadblade: Fell Bond - Worthy Offering)

War Dog Executioner, Heavy Stubber

War Dog Executioner, Heavy Stubber

== Chaos Knights – Iconoclast Dreadblade – Super Heavy Detachment = 0CP, [17PL, 325pts] ==

LOW: War Dog Executioner Squadron [16PL, 310pts] (Iconoclast Dreadblade: Fell Bond - Worthy Offering)

War Dog Executioner, Heavy Stubber, Favour of the Dark Gods: Mirror Of Fates

War Dog Executioner, Heavy Stubber
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