Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: The Day is Ours!
- Triumphs: Inspired
Thanquol on Boneripper (430)
- 2 Warpfire Braziers & 2 Warpfire Projectors
- Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
Verminlord Deceiver (420)*
- General
- Command Trait: Devious Adversary
- Artefact: Shadow Magnet Trinket
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Warlock Bombardier (110)*
- Artefact: Vial of the Fulminator
- Universal Spell Lore: Levitate
- Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel Master
Master Moulder (90)*
20 x Clanrats (100)
- Rusty Blade
- 1x Standard Bearers
- 1x Standard Bell Ringers
20 x Clanrats (100)
- Rusty Blade
- 1x Standard Bearers
- 1x Standard Bell Ringers
18 x Giant Rats (180)
- Reinforced x 2
1 x Doomwheel (160)
Warp Lightning Cannon (150)
Warp Lightning Cannon (150)
Endless Spells & Invocations
Vermintide (40)
Lauchon the Soulseeker (50)
Core Battalions
*Command Entourage - Magnificent
Additional Enhancements
Total: 1980 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 119
Drops: 10