Frédéric In-Albon
Player: Frederic In-Albon “BigFred”
Team : Les petits poutreurs moudonnois
Factions used: T’au Empire
Army Points: 1998
Reinforcement Points: 2
Number of Units / Killpoints: 11
Pre-Game Stratagems: Warlord trait, Promising pupil, relic, extra-commander
Starting Command Points: 2 (6-1-1-1-1)
Warlord & Trait: Commander crisis, Parangon of the Monk’ta
Army Trait: T’au sept, Sept tenet: coordinated fire arcs
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 60
Bring it Down: 8
Assassination: 13
Abhor the Witch: 0
== T’au Empire – Sept T’au – Ark Omens Detachment = (-0CP) == Sept tenet: coordinated fire arcs
HQ1: Commander Crisis(110), Shield Generator(10), Plasma rifle (10), plasma rifle(15), nova surge plasma rifle (20), Airbursting Fragmentation Projector (10), 2x marker drone (20), Warlord, Warlord Trait : Parangon of Monk’ta (warlord trait, -1CP) [8PL, 195 pts]
HQ2: Aun’va, [4PL, 100 pts]
- - - Invocations of the Ethereals : Sense of stones, Zephyr’s grace, Widsom of the guides
HQ3: Commander coldstar (120), target lock, Shield Generator (10), High-output burst cannon (15), flamer(5), Thermoneutronic Projector (20), Airbursting Fragmentation Projector (10), signature system: vectored manoeuvring thrusters, Warlord Trait : Parangon of Kauy’on (promising pupil, -1CP) (extra-commander, -1CP) (relic, -1CP) [7PL, 180 pts]
HQ4: Longstrike, railgun, 2 accelerator burst canons(10), 2 seeker missiles(10) [9PL, 180 pts]
EL1: Crisis Battlesuits [25PL, 460 pts]
1. Crisis Shas'ui (45), early warning override, Cyclic ion blaster(10), Fusion Blaster(10), Plasma Rifle(10)
2. Crisis Shas'ui (45), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Fusion Blaster(10), Plasma Rifle(10),
3. Crisis Shas'ui (45), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Fusion Blaster(10), Plasma Rifle(10),
4. Crisis Shas'vre (45), Shield Generator(5), Cyclic ion blaster(10), Fusion Blaster(10), Plasma Rifle(10), Prototyp system : Stimm Injectors(10) , iridium (10),
7x Shield Drone (105),
EL2: Riptide Battlesuit, 2x Plasma Rifle, Ion Accelerator, counterfire defense system; target lock; velocity tracker [13 PL, 250pts]
EL3: Riptide Battlesuit, 2x Plasma Rifle, Ion Accelerator, multi tracker, Target Lock, Velocity Tracker [13 PL, 250pts]
EL4: 3 Stealth Battlesuits w/ Burst Cannon (75), Stealth Shas’vre Burst Cannon(0), homing beacon (5), 2 marker drones(20) [6 PL, 100pts]
HS1: Hammerhead, railgun, 2 accelerator burst canons(10), 2 seeker missiles(10) [8PL, 165 pts]
FA1: 4 Kroot hounds [1PL, 24 pts]
FA2: 4 Kroot hounds [1PL, 24 pts]
FA3: 10 pathfinders [5PL, 90 pts]