Markus Villum Grevsen
HQ Points Total pris Warlord Trait Relic CP Litanies
High Marshall belbrecht 140 2000
P chap on Bike -MOS 135 Master of sanctity Tannhausers bones 2 Exhortion of rage, Canticle of hate
Grimaldus and retinue 120 Divine protection, Fires of devotion
Primaris techpriest 70
Infiltrators 5x 100
Dedicated transport
Droppod 70
Impulsor 100 Storm bolter, Multimelta, Orbital comms
Vanguard Veterans 10x 305 5lightning claws+3p/chain, 4Thunder hammers +10p,4 storm shield +10p, 1PoweSword/chain
Sternguard veterans 10x 200 6 Combi melta - 4 multimelta
Aurillian shroud 1
fast attack
Outrider squad 3x 115 Light of the emperors grace
Suppressor squad 3x 90
Lords of war
Astreus 555 Ironhail heavy stubber +5p, Twin Heavy bolter, 2x plasma