Bouvier Antoine
Full Roster
Antoine “big_frost” BOUVIER - Holds Dwarves - n/a
Characters 35%: 1346 pts -> 29,9%
Core 25%: 1150 pts -> 25,5%
Special: 1460 -> 32,4%
Engines of War 20%: 550 -> 12,2%
[810] - King - Characters - General, War Throne, Shield, Rune of Smashing, Rune of destruction, Rune of Fury, Rune of Steel
[226] - THane - Characters - BSB, Shield, Rune of Iron, Rune of Iron
[300] - Anvil of Power - Characters - Rune of Storms , Rune of Shattering, Rune of Resolve
[160] - 3x10 Clan Warrior - Core - Shield, M
[670] - 25x Greybeaber - Core - Shield, M, S, C, Runic Standard of Swiftness
[670] - 2x25 Seeker - Special - M
[120] - 1X Vengeance Seeker - Special - n/a
[270] - 1X Canon - Engines of War - n/a
[270] - 1X Canon - Engines of War - n/a
[4486 pts]