Michał Chrostowski
- Army Faction: Ogor Mawtribes
- Subfaction: Meatfist
- Grand Strategy: Ready for Plunder
- Triumph: Bloodthirsty
Kragnos (720)*
Tyrant (150)*
- General
- Command Traits: Killer Reputation
- Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
- Spells: Flaming Weapon
- Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master
- Big Name: Deathcheater , Fateseeker
Ogor Gluttons (260)*
- Crusher
- Tribal Banner Bearer with Lookout Gnoblar
- Bellower
- Paired Ogor Clubs or Bluntblades
Ogor Gluttons (260)*
- Crusher
- Bellower
- Tribal Banner Bearer with Lookout Gnoblar
- Paired Ogor Clubs or Bluntblades
Ogor Gluttons (260)*
- Bellower
- Tribal Banner Bearer with Lookout Gnoblar
- Crusher
- Paired Ogor Clubs or Bluntblades
Leadbelchers (170)*
- Thunderfist
Leadbelchers (170)*
- Thunderfist
*Battle Regiment
TOTAL POINTS: 1990/2000
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