Wika[ OL119]
Wiktoria Podgórniak
- Army Faction: Gloomspite Gitz
- Subfaction: Jaws of Mork
- Grand Strategy: Protect da Shrine!
- Triumph: Bloodthirsty
Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)*
- Spells: Itchy Nuisance, The Hand of Gork
- Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master
Loonboss (85)*
Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (370)*
- General
- Command Traits: Fight Another Day
- Artefacts of Power: Leering Gitshield
Madcap Shaman (70)*
- Spells: The Hand of Gork
Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (270)**
- Spells: Sneaky Distraction
Boingrot Bounderz (280)*
- Bounder Boss
Boingrot Bounderz (140)*
- Bounder Boss
Moonclan Stabbas (250)**
- Moonclan Boss
- Pokin’ Spear
- 2 x Bad Moon Icon Bearer
- 2 x Gong Basher
- 2 x 3 Barbed Nets
Rockgut Troggoths (320)**
Sneaky Snufflers (110)**
**Battle Regiment
TOTAL POINTS: 1985/2000