Characters 35%: 1366 -> 30.3%
Core 25%: 1130 -> 25.1%
​Special: 792 -> 17.6%
Hail of the Gods 30%: 446 -> 9.9%
Barrage 20%: 840 -> 18.6%
Bound and Binders 15%: 370 -> 8.2%
516 - Overlord - Characters - n/a - General, Shield, Onyx Hammer, Dragon Mantle, Dusk Stone, Potion of Swiftness
960 - Prophet - Characters - Fiendish Mob - 4 Spells, Temple Lamassu, Hardened Shield, Dispel Scroll, Dragonfire Gem, Wizard Master, Alchemy
260 - Vizier - Characters - n/a - BSB, Lucky Shield, Lucky Charm, Flaming Standard
684 - 26x Citadel Guard - Core - n/a - M, C, S, Banner of Nezibkesh
446 - 14x Citadel Guard - Core - Hail of the Gods - Flintlock Axe, M
396 - 2x3 Taurukh Anointed - Special - n/a - Shields
320 - 2x Titan Mortar - Barrage - n/a
200 - 1x Rocket Battery - Barrage - n/a