Daniel Heidel
Daniel “Rodriguez” Heidel - Warriors of the Dark Gods
Characters 40%: 1460 -> 32,4%
Core 15%: 680 -> 15,1%
Special 1280 -> 28,4%
Empowered 35%: 1080 -> 24,0%
840 - Sorcerer - Characters - n/a - General - Mark of Change, 4 Spells, Wasteland Chariot, Bluffer`s Helm, Razor Blade, Talisman of Supreme Shielding, Wizard Master, Shamanism
620 - Harbinger of Chaos - Characters - n/a - BSB, Mark of Change, Wasteland Chariot, Great Weapon, Third Eye of Change, Dragonscale Helm, Talisman of Greater Shielding
240 - 10x Wasteland Warriors - Core - n/a - Mark of Lust
440 - 2x10 Wasteland Warriors - Core - n/a
440 - 2x1 Wasteland Chariot - Special - n/a - Pair of Waste Steed
600 - 2x1 Wasteland Chariot - Special - n/a - Single Mauler
240 - 1x Battle Shrine - Special - n/a
1080 - 2x1 Elder Dragon Centaur - Empowered - n/a - Great Weapon