Łukasz Zawadzki (@dziku29)
Team: Piotr Cebulak + Łukasz Zawadzki
Command Points: 6-1-1-1-1=2
Total Points: 985+985=1970 pt
Team Warlord: Fluxmaster
Stratagems: 2x Relic (Fluxmaster, Shield Capitan on Bike) 2x WT (Fluxmaster, Shield Capitan on Bike).
Number of Units: 10
Assassination: 10 points
Bring it Down: 4 points
No Prisoners: 14 points (total wounds: 105)
Abhor the Witch: 6 points
Player: Piotr
Factions used: Chaos - Daemons
Total cost: 985 pts, 45 PL
Reinforcement Points: none pts
AoO compulsory slot: Elite
== Tzeentch Arks of Omen == 0 CP, 985 pts, 45 PL
HQ1: Be'lakor: Pall of Despair, Shrouded Step, Smite [420 pts, 21 PL]
HQ2: Fluxmaster: Gaze of Fate, Incorporeal Form, Infernal Flames, Relics of the Impossible Fortress, Smite, Staff of change, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, The Impossible Robe, Warlord [115 pts, 6 PL, -2 CP]
EL1: Flamers: 5xFlamer, Pyrocaster [150 pts, 6 PL]
EL2: Flamers: 5xFlamer, Pyrocaster [150 pts, 6 PL]
EL3: Flamers: 5xFlamer, Pyrocaster [150 pts, 6 PL]
Player: Łukasz
Factions used: Imperium - Adeptus Custodes
Total cost: 985 pts, 50 PL
Reinforcement Points: none pts
AoO compulsory slot: Fast Attack
== Emperor's Chosen (Adeptus Custodes) Arks of Omen == 0 CP, 985 pts, 50 PL
Agent of the Imperium:
- Voidsmen-at-Arms: Canid, 3xVoidsman, Voidsman (Rotor Cannon) (Laspistol, Rotor Cannon), Voidsmaster (Artificer Shotgun, Laspistol) [40 pts, 4 PL]
HQ1: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: (Emperor's Chosen): Auric Exemplar, Castellan's Mark, Misericordia, Salvo Launcher, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Tip of the Spear, Warlord [180 pts, 10 PL, -2 CP]
FA1: Vertus Praetors: 3xPraetor w/ Salvo Launcher & Misericordia [255 pts, 12 PL]
FA2: Vertus Praetors: 3xPraetor w/ Salvo Launcher & Misericordia [255 pts, 12 PL]
FA3: Vertus Praetors: 3xPraetor w/ Salvo Launcher & Misericordia [255 pts, 12 PL]