KA311 Rollo
Player: Piotr Rollo Rolnik
ID: KA311
TK: Piotr Rollo Rolnik
GV: Rollnik
Factions used: Kosmiczne Kurwa Wilki
Command Points: 4
Total cost: 2000 pts, 121 PL
Reinforcement Points: 0
Number of Units: 15
Stratagems before game: 2x relikt, 2x warrio of legend
Assassination: 22
Bring it Down: 12
No Prisoners: 0
Abhor the Witch: 3
AoO detachment: Space wolves
LoW1: Leman Russ (Roboute Guiliman), Warlord= [300]
HQ1: Primaris Wolf Priest (chaplain) on Bike (115), Master of Sanity (20), Hero of the Chapter: Wise Orator (-1CP), Relic: benediction of fury (-1CP), Mantra of Strenght, Canticle of hate= [135/8PL/-2CP]
HQ2: Primaris Rune Priest (librarian) (85), Chief librairan (20) force sword (0), combi-melta (0), Smite, Murderous Hurricane, Storm Caller, tempest’s wrath= [105/6PL]
HQ3: Primaris Iron Priest (techmarine) (70), Master of the Forge (15), Hero of the Chapter: Warden of the Ancients (-1CP), Relic of the Fang: The Armour of Russ (-1CP)= [85/5PL/-2CP]
HQ4: Primaris Iron Priest (techmarine) (70/4PL)
ECh1: Murderfang [140/8PL]
ECH2: Judiciar [75/5Pl]
E1: Venerable Dreadnought (135), Fenrisian great axe & Blizzard shield (0), Heavy Flamenr (0)= [135/8PL]
E2: Venerable Dreadnought (135), Fenrisian great axe & Blizzard shield (0), Heavy Flamenr (0)= [135/8PL]
E3: Venerable Dreadnought (135), Fenrisian great axe & Blizzard shield (0), Heavy Flamenr (0)= [135/8PL]
E4: Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (140), 2* Heavy Flamer (10), Dreadnought chainfist (5), Dreadnought combat weapon (0)= [155/8PL/-1CP]
E5: Wulfen Dreadnought (120), 2* Heavy Flamer (0), Great Wolf Claw & Blizzard Shield (0) = [120/7PL]
E6: Wulfen Dreadnought (120), 2* Heavy Flamer (0), Great Wolf Claw & Blizzard Shield (0) = [120/7PL]
HS1: Gladiator Reaper (150), Auto Launchers (0), Icarus Rocket Pod (0), Ironhail Heavy Stuber (0)= [150/10PL]
HS2: Gladiator Reaper (150), Auto Launchers (0), Icarus Rocket Pod (0), Ironhail Heavy Stuber (0)= [150/10PL]
Total: [2000]
„* sniff*... *sniffsniff*... ...*snarl*.... .... ....*grooooowl* AWROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"