Steen Belhage
Allegiance: Sylvaneth
- Glade: Oakenbrow
- Grand Strategy: The Roots of Victory
- Season of War: The Burgeoning
Treelord Ancient (330)**
- Lore of the Deepwood: The Dwellers Below
Treelord Ancient (330)**
- Artefact: The Vesperal Gem
- Lore of the Deepwood: Treesong
Spirit of Durthu (350)*
- Artefact: Greenwood Gladius
Branchwych (130)*
- General
- Command Trait: Spellsinger
- Lore of the Deepwood: Regrowth
Branchwych (130)*
- Lore of the Deepwood: Regrowth
- Aspect of the Champion: Stubborn as a Rhinox
Treelord (230)
Treelord (230)*
Treelord (230)*
Endless Spells & Invocations
Gladewyrm (40)
Core Battalions
**Lords of the Clan
Additional Enhancements
Total: 2000 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 94
Drops: 8