Przemek Żółw
Fraction: Orks
Army pointa: 2k
Pre game stratagem: Heroic support + warlord trait + relikt + Big boss + extra gubbintz = 1CP
Warlord: Boss on squigosaur
No prisoners: 126
Bring it down9
Assasination 16
Goff Detachment
HQ1: Boss on squigosaur: trait- ard as nails, relict- headwoppa kill choppa, tumpa gun(165pts.)
HQ2: Boss zagstruk (110pts.)
HQ3: warboss on bike: trait— brutal but kuninn, relict- da killa klaw (115 PTS.)
TR1: 10 beast snagga boyz: (100pts.)
TR2: 10 beast snagga boyz: (100pts.)
TR3: gretchin (40pts)
TR4: gretchin (40pts.)
TR5: gretchin (40pts.)
E1: 10 kommandos: nob with power klaw, komandos with breach ram, distraction grot, bomb squig
E2: 10 kommandos: nob with power klaw, komandos with breach ram, distraction grot, bomb squig
E3: 4 meganobz: trukk boyz (120pts.)
E4: 4 meganobz: trukk boyz (120pts.)
E5: nob with banner (70pts.)
FA1: 10 stormboyz: (100pts.)
FA5: 10 stormboyz: (100pts. )
FA6: 5 stormboyz: (50pts. )
HS1: Battlewagon: ard case, deff rola (135pts)
HS2: Battlewagon: ard case, deff rola (135pts)
HS3: Kill Rig: beasthead discipline: frazzle, squiggly curse