Danny (DTP#4029) Porter
Name: Danny
Army name: GSC
Warlord: Piotrek "Plapytus" Patriarch
No prisoners: 106 (12VP)
Assassinate: 22VP
Bring it down: 6VP
Abhor the witch: 6VP
= = = Arks of Omen Detachment: Rusted Claw = = = Compulsary: Elites
Noslot: Kelermorph [3PL, 80pts]
Noslot: Nexos [3PL, 50pts]
- - - Relic: Cranial Inlay (-1CP)
Noslot: Sanctus [3PL, 70pts] Cult Sniper Rifle
HQ1: Patriarch [7PL, 140pts] (Warlord)
- - - WLT: Entropic Touch (-1CP)
- - - Relic: Nomad's Mantle (-1CP)
- - - Powers: Psionic Blast, Mass Hypnosis, Inescapable Decay
HQ2: Magus [4PL, 80pts]
- - - Powers: Might from Beyond, Psychic Stimulus, Inescapable Decay
HQ3: Primus [4PL, 70pts]
TR1: 5 Acolytes [3PL, 50pts] 2x Demo Charge, 1 whip
TR2: 5 Acolytes [3PL, 50pts] 2x Demo Charge, 1 whip
TR3: 5 Acolytes [3PL, 50pts] 2x Demo Charge, 1 whip
TR4: 5 Acolytes [3PL, 70pts] 2x Demo Charge, 1 whip
- - - Proficient Planning: Lying in Wait
TR5: 20 Neophytes [8PL, 190pts] 4x Seismic Cannon, 4x Flamer, Autoguns, Icon
EL1: 5 Purestrain [3PL, 70pts]
EL2: 5 Purestrain [3PL, 70pts]
EL3: 10 Purestrain [7PL, 150pts]
- - - Proficient Planning: They came from below
EL4: 5 Aberrants [7PL, 135pts]
EL5: 5 Aberrants [7PL, 135pts]
ELCH1: Reductus Saboteur [4PL, 70pts]
- - - Relic: Oppressor's Bane (-1CP)
FA1: 4 Atalan Jackals [3PL, 70pts] 2x Demo charge, 4x Power weapon, 1x Grenade Launcher
FA2: 4 Atalan Jackals [3PL, 70pts] 2x Demo charge, 4x Power weapon, 1x Grenade Launcher
HS1: Goliath Rockgrinder [6PL, 110pts] Heavy Seismic Cannon, Cache of Demolition Charges
HS2: Goliath Rockgrinder [6PL, 110pts] Heavy Seismic Cannon, Cache of Demolition Charges
HS3: Goliath Rockgrinder [6PL, 110pts] Heavy Seismic Cannon, Cache of Demolition Charges