Steffen Johansen
PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Codex: Tau Empire- hunter continget .SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Codex: Tau Empire- Combined Arms Detachment.
primary detacment: HQ1:cadre fireblade [60pts] HQ2 commander [Warlord] xv8-02 iridium battlesuit. target lock. drone controller. cyclic ion blaster 1x mv7 marker drone [53pts]. Elite1. 1x xv104 Riptide Battlesuit Heavy Burst cannon, stimulant injector, Twin-linked Plasma Rifle, Velocity Tracker. [235pts] Elite2, xv104 Riptide Battesuit Ion Accelerator, stimulant injector, twin-linked plasma Rifel.[220pts] Elite3 2x xv8 crisis Battlesuits. Fusion Blaster, stimulant injector. [134pts]
FAST ATTACK1 5x mv7 marker drones[70pts] Fast Attack2 5x pathfinders[55pts] Fast Attack3 2x tx4 piranhas blacksunfilter, burst cannon, fusion blaster, sensor spines.[102pts]
Heavy Support 3x xv88 Broadside battlesuits Early Warning overide, twin-linked high yield missile pod, twin-linked smart missle system, velocity tracker[270]
Troops 3x 10 man strike Teams with pulse rifles
Secondary detachment: HQ1 ethereal 2x equalizers [60pts] Elite1 xv8 crisis suit 2x burst cannon stimulant injector [57pts]
troops 2x 5 man strike team with pulse rifles Fast attack piranha tx-42 black sun filter, sensor spines, twin-linked fusion blaster[76pts]