Daniel Stempien KR509
Frakcja: Custodes
Detachment Ability:Aegis of the Emperor
1. Trajan: Warlord - 145
2. Shield Captain: Spear, Veiled Blade - 145
3. Blade Champion: Ceasless Hunter - 130
5. 6x Wardens: 6x Spear - 300
6. 6x Wardens: 6x Spear - 300
7. 5x Custodian Guards: 4x Spear, 1xShield - 225
8. 2x Allarus: 2x Spear - 130
9. 2x Allarus: 2x Spear - 130
10. 5x Prosecutors - 50
11. Caladius: Heavy blaze cannon - 215
12. Caladius: Heavy blaze cannon - 215
Razem: 1985