Danny (DTP#4029) Porter
Player 1: Danny
Team: Try Hard Wargaming
Factions Used: Tau
Army Points: 1985
Enhancements: Exemplar of Kauyon
Detachment Rule: Kauyon
Char1: 1x Aun’va (65 points)
Char2: 1x Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (155 points) - 4x Cyclic ion blaster, 1x Marker Drone, 1x Shield Drone
• Enhancement: Exemplar of the Kauyon
Char3: 1x Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (140 points) - 4x Cyclic ion blaster, 1x Marker Drone, 1x Shield Drone
Char4: 1x Shadowsun (140 points)
• Warlord
1x Broadside Battlesuits (110 points) - 1x Heavy Rail Rifle, 1x Plasma Rifle, 1x Seeker Missile, 2x Missile drone
1x Broadside Battlesuits (110 points) - 1x Heavy Rail Rifle, 1x Plasma Rifle, 1x Seeker Missile, 2x Missile drone
6x Crisis Battlesuits (390 points) - 17x Cyclic Ion Blaster, 1x Airburst Fragmentation Launcher, 12x Shield Drone, 6x Shield Generator
3x Crisis Battlesuits (195 points) - 9x Cyclic Ion Blaster, 6x Shield Drone, 3x Shield Generator
3x Crisis Battlesuits (195 points) - 9x Cyclic Ion Blaster, 6x Shield Drone, 3x Shield Generator
1x Ghostkeel (170 points) - 1x Cyclic Ion Raker, 1x Twin Tau Flamer
3x Stealth Suits (75 points) - 1x Fusion, 2x Burst Cannon, 1 Homing Beacon
1x Piranha (55 points) - 1x Fusion Blaster, 2x Seeker Missile
1x Piranha (55 points) - 1x Fusion Blaster, 2x Seeker Missile
2x Tetras (80 points)
2x Tetras (80 points)