Mads kure
+++ GT WARZONE FMC (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition v2017) (1850pts) +++
++ CSM Thousand Sons Grand Coven (Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) v2011) (1580pts) ++
+ Command (1580pts) +
········Rehati War Sect (1580pts)
············ [Magnus the Red (650pts)]
············Daemon Prince (310pts) [Close Combat Weapon, Mastery Level 3 (75pts), Power Armour (20pts), Spell familiar (15pts), Tzeentch (15pts), Wings (40pts)]
············Daemon Prince (310pts) [Close Combat Weapon, Mastery Level 3 (75pts), Power Armour (20pts), Spell familiar (15pts), Tzeentch (15pts), Wings (40pts)]
············Daemon Prince (310pts) [Close Combat Weapon, Mastery Level 3 (75pts), Power Armour (20pts), Spell familiar (15pts), Tzeentch (15pts), Wings (40pts)]
++ Allied Detachment (Chaos Daemons: Codex v2004) (270pts) ++
+ HQ (150pts) +
········Daemonic Heralds (150pts)
············Herald of Tzeentch (150pts) [D6 Exalted Daemonic Reward (30pts), Paradox (25pts), Psyker Level 3 (50pts)]
+ Troops (120pts) +
········Brimstone Horrors (30pts) [10x Brimstone Horrors (30pts)]
········Brimstone Horrors (30pts) [10x Brimstone Horrors (30pts)]
········Brimstone Horrors (30pts) [10x Brimstone Horrors (30pts)]
········Brimstone Horrors (30pts) [10x Brimstone Horrors (30pts)]