
Krzysztof "Peszek" Gołaszewski WA716

Army Faction: Necrons
Player: Peszek
Player League No. WA716
TK: Krzysztof "Peszek" Gołaszewski
Total Army Points: 2000
Fixed Secondary Mission Information
Detachment rule: Awakened Dynasty
Enhancements: Sempiternal Weave (10), Hypermaterial Ablator (25), Sovereign Coronal (30)
Bring it Down: 9
Assasination: 24

CHAR1 Hexmark Destroyer [100pts]: The Sovereign Coronal (Aura)

CHAR2 Overlord [110pts]: Hypermaterial Ablator, Overlord's blade, Resurrection orb

CHAR3 Overlord [85pts]: Resurrection orb, Voidscythe

CHAR4 Technomancer [60pts]: Canoptek cloak

CHAR5 Technomancer [60pts]: Canoptek cloak

CHAR6 Transcendant C'tan [290pts]: Sempiternal Weave

OTHER1 Cryptothralls [40pts]
. 2x Cryptothrall: 2x Scouring eye, 2x Scythed limbs

OTHER2 Cryptothralls [40pts]
. 2x Cryptothrall: 2x Scouring eye, 2x Scythed limbs

OTHER3 Lychguard [190pts]
. 10x Lychguard: 10x Hyperphase sword and dispersion shield

OTHER4 Lychguard [190pts]
. 10x Lychguard: 10x Hyperphase sword and dispersion shield

OTHER5 Canoptek Scarab Swarms [40pts]
. 3x Canoptek Scarab Swarm: 3x Feeder mandibles

OTHER6 Lokhust Destroyers [30pts]
. Lokhust Destroyer

OTHER7 Lokhust Destroyers [30pts]
. Lokhust Destroyer

OTHER8 Lokhust Heavy Destroyers [135pts]
. 3x Destroyer w/ gauss destructor: 3x Gauss destructor

OTHER9 Lokhust Heavy Destroyers [135pts]
. 3x Destroyer w/ enmitic exterminator: 3x Enmitic exterminator

OTHER10 Canoptek Reanimator [95pts]

OTHER11 Doomsday Ark [185pts]

OTHER12 Doomsday Ark [185pts]

++ Total: [2,000pts] ++
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