Michal "el Furas"
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PLAYER: Michal El Furas Kosman
Team: Wroclawska Akademia Łorhammera - WAŁ
Factions used: Space Marines
Army Points: 1995
Number of Units / Killpoints: 17
Army Enhancements:
Detatchment Rule: Oath of Moment
Bring it Down: 6
Assasination: 24
== Gladius Task Force Detachment == Space Marines, Space Wolves [1995 Points]
1. Wolf Guard battle leader on a thunderwolf: Thunder Hammer, storm shield (80 pts)
2. Wolf Guard battle leader on a thunderwolf: Thunder Hammer, storm shield (80 pts)
3. Wolf Guard battle leader on a thunderwolf: Thunder Hammer, storm shield (80 pts)
4. Wolf Lord on a Thunderwolf: thunder hammer, relic shield (100 pts)
5. Logan Grimnar on Stormrider: warlord (180 pts)
6. Phobos Librarian (75 pts)
Other Datasheets:
1. Inceptor Squad: 3x Plasma Exterminators (115 pts)
2. Inceptor Squad: 3x Plasma Exterminators (115 pts)
3. Thunderwolf Cavarly: 6x Storm Shield (180 pts)
4. Thunderwolf Cavarly: 6x Storm Shield (180 pts)
5. Thunderwolf Cavarly: 6x Storm Shield (180 pts)
6. Fenrisian Wolves (30 pts)
7. Vindicator: Hunter-killer missile, Storm Bolter (190 pts)
8. Vindicator: Hunter-killer missile, Storm Bolter (190 pts)
9. Infiltrator Squad: Helix Gantulet, Infiltrator Comms Array (100 pts)
10. Scout Squad: combi-weapon, thunder hammer, missile launcher, 3x astartes shotgun (65 pts)
11. Attack Bike Squad: 1x Multi-melta (55 pts)