Laurens Bøggild Moss
Laurens Bøggild Moss Captain of Hydra Tsports
Factions used: Chaos - Chaos Space Marines, Demons of Chaos
Detachment: Slaves to Darkness
Assassination: 5/6 characters (Sylleske resurrects) 20/24 points
Bring it Down: 5/6 targets (Sylleske resurrects) 14/16 points
2000/2000 points
Chaos Lord (75pts)
- Mark of Chaos Undivided
- 1x Power fist
- 1x Plasma pistol
- Warlord
2 identical Chaos Lords of 75pts a piece
- Mark of Chaos Undivided
- 1x Daemon hammer
- 1x Plasma pistol
Cultist Mob (55pts)
- Mark of Nurgle
- 9x Cultists with cultist firearm and close combat weapon
- 1x cultist with flamer and close combat weapon
Chosen (220pts)
- Mark of chaos undivided
- 2x chosen with bolt pistol, accursed weapon and boltgun
- 4x chosen with bolt pistol, accursed weapon and combi-weapon
- 2x chosen with plasma pistol and paired accursed weapons
- 1x chosen with plasma pistol and power fist
- 1x chosen with plasma pistol, chaos icon and power fist
2 identical Chosen units of 110pts a piece
- Mark of chaos undivided
- 1x chosen with bolt pistol, accursed weapon and boltgun
- 2x chosen with bolt pistol, accursed weapon and combi-weapon
- 1x chosen with plasma pistol and paired accursed weapons
- 1x chosen with plasma pistol, chaos icon and plasma pistol
Obliterators (170pts)
- Mark of Nurgle
- 2x Obliterator
Obliterators (170pts)
- Mark of Chaos Undivided
- 2x Obliterator
2 identical Warp Talons of 100pts a piece
- Mark of Slaanesh
- 5x Warp Talons
Chaos Vindicator (190pts)
- 1x Chaos Undivided
- 1x Demolisher Cannon
- 1x Havoc launcher
- 1x Combi-bolter
Forgefiend (180pts)
- Mark of Chaos Undivided
- 3x Ectoplasma cannons
- 1x Armoured limbs
2 identical Chaos Rhino units of 75pts a piece
- Mark of Nurgle
- 2x Combi-bolter
- 1x Havoc launcher
Nurglings (35pts)
- 3x Nurgling
Syll'esske (120pts)
The Blue Scribes (65pts)