Danny (DTP#4029) Porter
Player 1: Danny
Team: Try Hard Wargaming
Factions Used: Tau
Army Points: 2000
Enhancements: Exemplar of Kauyon
Detachment Rule: Kauyon
Char1: Aun'va (65 points)
• Warlord
Char2: 1x Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (125 points) - 4x Cyclic ion blaster, 1x Marker Drone, 1x Shield Drone
• Enhancement: Exemplar of the Kauyon
Char2: 1x Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit (120 points) - 4x Cyclic ion blaster, 2x Shield Drone
• Enhancement: Precision of the Hunter
Char4: 1x Cadre Fireblade (40 points)
10 Breachers (90pts)
10 Breachers (90pts)
1x Broadside Battlesuits (90 points) - 1x Heavy Rail Rifle, 1x Battlesuit support system, 1x Seeker Missile, 2x Missile drone
1x Broadside Battlesuits (90 points) - 1x Heavy Rail Rifle, 1x Battlesuit support system, 1x Seeker Missile, 2x Missile drone
6x Crisis Battlesuits (360 points) - 17x Cyclic Ion Blaster, 1x Airburst Fragmentation Launcher, 12x Shield Drone, 6x Shield Generator
3x Crisis Battlesuits (180 points) - 9x Cyclic Ion Blaster, 6x Shield Drone, 3x Shield Generator
1x Ghostkeel (160 points) - 1x Fusion Collider, 1x Fusion blaster
3x Stealth Suits (60 points) - 1x Fusion, 2x Burst Cannon, 1 Homing Beacon, 1 Markerlight drone, 1 Shield Drone
4x Kroot Hounds (30 points)
1x Piranha (55 points) - 1x Fusion Blaster, 2x Seeker Missile
1x Piranha (55 points) - 1x Fusion Blaster, 2x Seeker Missile
2x Tetras (80 points)
2x Tetras (80 points)
2x Tetras (80 points)
Devilfish (75pts) 2x Seeker Missile, 2x Twin Pulse Carbine
Devilfish (75pts) 2x Seeker Missile, 2x Twin Pulse Carbine